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Over the course of the next few months and in the lead-up to Christmas, we will be talking about some of the brands and items that truly excite us! This month, we kick things off with an article featuring Hamilton Watches. This is timely (no pun intended!), as we literally just received the new range...

Happy August, everyone! We hope you’re having a wonderful summer and are getting the chance to have a little down time.  In this month’s blog article, we are continuing with our series on why you should shop local for your jewelry. Last month, we set out a list of 10 points on why you should...

We are already in July, which means we’re halfway through 2022. Can you believe it? Where did the time go? For us, July is a month for basking in the sunshine, getting together with friends and family and … you guessed it … partying! The 4th of July is here and we are ready! We...

In the blink of an eye and it’s already June! We were run off our feet in May helping our customers set Mom up with the perfect Mother’s Day gift and ensuring that all those May babies had something special to open on their birthdays. We love helping our customers put a smile on the...

Did you know that Mother’s Day originated in the United States? It was created by Anna Jarvis and John Wanamaker following the death of Anna’s mother, Ann Jarvis, on May 9, 1905.  The first recognized instance was May, 1908, in West Virginia with a larger ceremony in Philadelphia. The next year, the day was reported...

The diamond: it’s perhaps the easiest stone to talk about but also arguably the most complex. Most would agree that the diamond is the most famous gemstone on the planet. Did you know that the largest diamond was over 3,100 carats when mined, and the smallest is so small it can be lost on a...

Although it may not feel like it, given the snow and ice event we recently experienced, spring is definitely in the air here and nowhere more so than here at HPerry Jewelers. We’ve been busy behind the scenes bringing in some incredible pieces to “wow” our customers and get them geared up for spring, and...

While February may be notorious for bringing us those cold, wintry days, it also brings us February 14th – Valentine’s Day – which means warm, gushy hearts overflowing with love, flowers, candy and – you guessed it – jewelry!   Valentine’s Day and the gift of jewelry go hand-in-hand. Although Valentine’s Day has its roots in...

The beginning of a new year is always a great time to stop and reflect on the year that has gone before. For us, 2021 was an amazing year and we hope it was for you too. We loved every minute of the time we spent with our friends, family and, of course, our customers....

Can you believe it’s that time of the year again? The holiday season is officially upon us and we’re feeling festive! We’ve had a great year at the store and we can’t wait to top it all off with a great December and Christmas 2021! We’ve been busy – we have all manner of gifts...

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