The beginning of a new year is always a great time to stop and reflect on the year that has gone before. For us, 2021 was an amazing year and we hope it was for you too. We loved every minute of the time we spent with our friends, family and, of course, our customers. Our business is all about people and taking care of their gift-giving and jewelry-purchasing needs, so if you were able to visit us in 2021, thank you so much for helping make it such a wonderful year, and if you didn’t get a chance to drop by, make sure to put us on your list for 2022 – we’d love to show you around!
We’re raring to go for 2022! There’s lots to see and do this year, so let’s get out there and have some fun! With the new year come new jewelry trends and fashions. We take pride in always being on top of the latest jewelry news so come and visit us so we can tell you all about what 2022 has to offer.
You may think it’s a tad early to mention Valentine’s Day, but trust us – these next 6 weeks will fly by. There’s no time like the present to start planning, and we’d love to feature in those plans.
Planning to make Valentine’s Day, 2022 the most memorable one yet? We love that idea! We still have some great deals left over from the Christmas period, so come and take advantage of them, and if you don’t see what you’re looking for, don’t worry, there’s loads of time for us to order that special item in or, even better, get that custom piece made that you’ve always wanted to have made for that special someone. Part of our job is to help you find the best route to that special gift or piece you’ve always wanted to purchase, so make sure to ask us about the various financing options we have available.
And let’s not forget those January babies. Their birthstone is garnet and we’ve got plenty of gorgeous garnet pieces to show you that will knock your socks off. These beautiful red stones, reminiscent of pomegranate seeds in color and luster, have been prized throughout the centuries for their ability to cleanse both the body and the mind. What better way to bring in the new year than with a garnet piece that shimmers with both radiance and style?
Lastly, we’re here to make sure your Christmas gifts fit perfectly, so let us know if you need an adjustment or sizing of any gift you received over Christmas. Repair and adjustment is one of the many services that we provide year-round, so count on us to help make that perfect gift even “more perfect” and ready to wear.
We’re proud to be your local jeweler and look forward to serving you and our community during the upcoming year. Wishing you and your families a very happy New Year and we hope to see you soon!