Whether you’re just starting to shop for your forever diamond, or you’re a seasoned diamond shopper — you’ve probably heard of the “the four C’s.” The Four C’s are Color, Cut, Clarity, and Carat. But what do those things really mean to you as a consumer? On this blog post, we’re going to talk about...
Knowledge is power. That’s what we believe at HPerry Jewelers, so we try our best to educate customers to make the best choice for their jewelry purchase. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths floating around out there about jewelry, so today we’re going to start with the Top 5 Diamond Myths that we hear...
As a jewelry store who also does repair work on a number of cherished heirlooms and heirlooms-to-be, we want to better educate our customers on safety and longevity for their precious rings. Day-to-day, we meet a number of people who proudly wear their ring every single day and have been doing so for decades. While...